Early Childhood Education Matters

The Koroit Three-Year-Old Kindergarten has recently made headlines for its heartwarming welcome to not one, not two, but three sets of twins! This delightful occurrence has captured the attention of parents, educators, and the local community alike.

Why Three-Year-Old Kindergarten Matters

Research consistently emphasizes the importance of early childhood education. During the first few years of life, a child’s brain undergoes rapid development, laying the foundation for future learning, behavior, and overall well-being. By the age of five, approximately 90% of a child’s brain development has already occurred. It’s during this critical window that high-quality early education plays a pivotal role.

The Brain’s Building Blocks

Neurobiology reveals that a child’s experiences, relationships, and environment significantly impact brain development. Neural pathways formed during these early years have lasting effects on health, behavior, and social skills. As children approach the age of three, there’s a unique opportunity to enhance their learning, emotional well-being, and language skills.

Self-Regulation and Social Skills

Between ages three and five, children develop essential self-regulation skills. These abilities help them manage emotions, build resilience, form positive relationships, and focus their attention. As they prepare to transition into formal schooling, these skills become invaluable.

The Power of Quality Education

International studies highlight that two years of kindergarten have a more significant impact than just one. Attending a high-quality kindergarten for an extended period enhances outcomes across various domains, including academic achievement, social behavior, and self-regulation. In Victoria, the government’s commitment to Three-Year-Old Kindergarten aims to provide 15 hours of funded programs to children in the two years before they start school1.

Celebrating Diversity

The arrival of three sets of twins at the Koroit Kindergarten exemplifies the diversity and joy within our community. Each pair of twins brings their unique personalities, interests, and connections. Educators at Koroit are dedicated to nurturing these young minds, fostering curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning.

A Bright Future

As we celebrate this heartwarming news, let’s recognize the impact of early education. Whether it’s through play, exploration, or shared moments, every interaction contributes to a child’s growth. The Koroit Three-Year-Old Kindergarten continues to be a place where young learners thrive, friendships blossom, and the promise of a bright future unfolds.


  1. The evidence behind Three-Year-Old Kindergarten | vic.gov.au
Author: KinderGarten

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