Are preschool and kindergarten free in Switzerland?patrick robert doyle eb8dmxnogp4 unsplash

Preschool and kindergarten in Switzerland are not completely free, but they are heavily subsidized by the government.

In Switzerland, preschool education is provided by the cantons (states), and it is mandatory for children starting at age four or five, depending on the canton. The cost of preschool education varies depending on the canton and the individual school. However, preschool fees are generally low, and many schools offer reduced fees or fee waivers for families with lower incomes.

Kindergarten is also mandatory in Switzerland and is typically offered by public schools. The cost of kindergarten is generally included in the taxes paid by residents of the canton or municipality, so families do not have to pay additional fees. However, some schools may charge fees for additional services such as extended care or extracurricular activities.

Overall, while preschool and kindergarten in Switzerland are not completely free, they are heavily subsidized and generally affordable for most families. This helps to ensure that all children have access to high-quality early education, regardless of their family’s financial situation.

Author: Oz

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By Oz

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