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Rules for kindergarteners may vary depending on the specific school or classroom, but some common rules for kindergarten include:

Follow directions: Kindergarteners are expected to listen and follow directions from their teacher and other adults in the classroom.

Respect others: Kindergarten classrooms are a place for learning, playing, and sharing. Children are expected to be kind, helpful, and respectful towards their classmates and teachers.

Use inside voices: Kindergarteners are encouraged to use quiet, inside voices while inside the classroom, so as not to disrupt the learning environment.

Raise your hand: Children are taught to raise their hand if they want to speak or ask a question during class.

Keep hands and feet to yourself: Kindergarteners are taught to respect other people’s personal space and belongings, and to keep their own hands and feet to themselves.

Share and take turns: Kindergarten classrooms often have shared materials and toys, and children are encouraged to share and take turns with their classmates.

Stay safe: Children are taught to be mindful of their safety in the classroom and on the playground, and to follow safety rules to prevent accidents and injuries.

These rules are designed to help children learn important social and emotional skills, as well as prepare them for a lifetime of learning and success.

Author: KinderGarten

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